Music Monday: Lisa Robinson

Highly recommend this collection of books by pioneer music journalist, editor and author Lisa Robinson, having just read them in chronological order of their release, Walking On Glass (1980), There Goes Gravity: A Life in Rock and Roll (2014) and Nobody Ever Asked Me About the Girls: Women, Music and Fame (2020). A native New Yorker, she takes us on a wild ride, from Zeppelin tours to CBGBs uncovering the “culture” of music at its core through her thousands of hours of countless interviews over several decades with artists such as Bowie. Beyonce. Joni. The Stones. Stevie Nicks. Gaga. Gwen. Trent. Dre. Adele… too many to mention here but a ridiculously impressive list nonetheless, coupled with incredibly poignant photos. What struck me the most, however, was not only Lisa’s range of appreciation in music, but her candor and ability to see the humanity in the musicians themselves… unfiltered yet compassionate. While she has her preferences and opinions, her writing rings honest and true, and gives a unique perspective and innate understanding of the ways of the music world. Her last book revealed perspectives of women in music on a variety of subjects, which was comforting but a tough read at times. In short, thank you Ms. Robinson for taking the time to carefully discuss and document the lives behind the music… while we’ve never met, you sure know how to make a girl feel seen, would love to chat some day!

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